Badminton Training Sessions
About Michael’s Badminton Sessions
Michael coaches junior and adult badminton classes in different locations.
Are you looking for your child to learn badminton in Midlothian then why not try out the different sessions available. For both boys and girls between the ages of 8 and 16.
For over 18-year-old, adult badminton class is also available.
For adults who are complete beginners with little or no badminton experience to more experienced players who might just wish come along to play games, for those wishing some help, Michael will be on hand to help guide and develop anyone attending.
Junior classes are booked online via the BOOK SESSION BUTTONS below, the private lessons via the BUY NOW BUTTON or pay on the day by cash or card.
Michael’s Coaching Qualifications
Scottish Badminton Coach and Tutor with over coaching 40 year’s coaching and tutoring experience.
Coached junior players that have gone on to play for Scotland at senior level, along with Lothian, Mid and East Lothian squads
Michael is happy coaching all ages from children through to adults of all standards. With practical coaching or advice, Michael is one of the best coaches in the business if you’re looking to learn and develop your game.
He is available to coach individuals or groups.
Scottish Badminton Club Coach
UKCC Level 1 Tutor
UKCC Level 1 Assessor
Scottish Badminton Insurance Policy
First Aid qualified
Badminton Coaching Sessions/Club Times
As well as the open classes below, Michael also coachs at Bruntsfield Primary School.
Classes times and venues can change during the summer please check BOOK SESSION BUTTONS
Junior Beginners/Intermediate Class at Beeslack High School, Penicuik
Monday 17:30 – 18:25
Junior Intermediate/Advanced Class at Beeslack High School, Penicuik
Monday 18:30 – 19:25 S1 – S6
Adult Club at Beeslack High School, Penicuik
Monday 19:30 – 21:00
Junior Beginners/Intermediate Clas at Beeslack Community High School.
Edinburgh Road
EH26 0QF
Note: Booking button link via
Junior Intermediate/Advanced Class at Beeslack Community High School.
Edinburgh Road
EH26 0QF
Note: Booking button link via
Adult class at Beeslack Community High School.
Edinburgh Road
EH26 0QF
for bookings and futher information email :-
Private lessons
Player’s are responsible for booking and paying for courts
what They’re Saying
Client Testimonials
Thank you.
For the lifts to and from the badminton competition last Saturday and for all your brilliant Coaching.

For everything you have done and do for the children!
Thak you so much for teaching me how to play badminton!
Before I joined I didn’t know what badminton was, and now I love it so much.

Thank you for running badminton and helping me improve.
I will miss you.
Contact Michael
Want to get in touch? We’d love to hear from you.
You can get in touch by
phone: 0797 163 9428
or by filling out the form below: